nicely animated and drawn n all, but didnt find it too funny
nicely animated and drawn n all, but didnt find it too funny
Wow, some person who found the graphics better then the jokes.. doesn't happen to much.. Glad you're so easely satisfied then ^^
geuinly awesome man, this seriously rocked
the animation and drawing was just amazing - im looking foward to your future work
the drawing and animation of this is superb, but the whole concept just didnt work
it was over before it really began, and there was no real sword fighting in it at all
my advise would be to make your animtions a hell of alot longer, and youll probably end up on the front page
well you shouldnt of had the affair then!
as for the animation, the lip sync was spot on and the drawing was pretty good too
i didnt find it too funny, i kinda laughed tho
quite decent animation
what you could of improved would of definatly been the drawing of the actual people
the backgrounds you drew looked amazing, but this was no where near reperesented in the people, who were the focus of the story
they looked shoody and quickly drawn, you should of spent alot more time on them, then this would of scored alot higher
nice little animation deserves to pass judgement
pretty decent
nice use of sprites, this movie kicked arse
but in the start bit, wouldnt ALL the knights start attacking the guy? they would of won then
lol nah, theyre letting the captain fight him one on one to have an "honorable" fight, but not only that, I wanted to save it for the actual fight between the armies.
well ok this was rather confusing
firstly, yeah its in widescreen, but dont name it that, especially when it has nothing to do with the animation itself, in which is rather confusing, and crying out for a preloader and screaming for sound
this has potential, just try and work on the sound/preloader/name match-animation problems, and you should do fine
Age 34, Male
Joined on 7/31/04